Ac Biome +a Solution Kit
Vital-Medi AC Biome +a Solution, with the microbiome ingredients, including Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa Fruit Extract, and 6 types of peptides, it protects and smoothes dry and rough skin, while the concentrated skincare ampoule in the multi-layer liposome capsule firms the skin by penetrating into the skin fast and effectively.
#TroubleCare #Acne #Oilyskin # Soothing #Hydrating #Repairing
∙Controls excess sebum
∙Minimizes enlarged pores
∙Increases skin hydration to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Active Ingredients:
∙Sodium Hyaluronate: Helps restore skin's moisture and improves the appearance of wrinkles and skin texture
∙Amino Acids: Found in the skin’s own Natural Moisturizing Factors and provides enhanced barrier support, elasticity, and balance.
∙Adenosine: Helps improve fine lines and plumps up skin.
∙Hyaluronic Acid: Attracts moisture to the skin, keeping it protected and hydrated
How to Use:
Apply 2-4 drops to the face and neck on clean skin every day & night.
Size: 5ml / 0.17 oz * 5ea
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미백 및 주름개선 2중 기능성 성분으로 흔적케어에도 효과적입니다.
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하나라도 체크했다면 바이탈메디
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